Friday, February 29, 2008

fat kitty in the books

When you don't go anywhere but to the used bookstore all day, you must amuse yourself with the simplicities of life.
Like being infatuated with the way the sun shines against your linen curtains creating a lovely afternoon glow in the room. It reminds me of a scene from a movie where the main character would be sipping their tea and rocking in the rocking chair waiting for her long lost love to find her simply rocking and rocking back and forth. I mean, wouldn't you think that was odd if you came home and found your significant other just staring and rocking and rocking back and forth. I think then i would say it's time for a trip to the mental institute....that might be fun, come on honey!
Anyway these lazy days i find myself photographing very ordinary objects, such as my feet. Yes! There you are feet, i have forgotten all about you because you have been entrapped by those crazy shoes you are always wearing. Whew...i'm glad i remembered. It is still cold so therefore i must still wear shoes...hmmmmm how unfortunate.
One good thing came from my wondering about the musty old bookstore, a very fat kitty kat with a rather short tail. Or maybe her fattiness just made it look short but i'm pretty sure it was shorter than most. I should let you know now that i love animals bordering on the obese. It is a little odd i know but i can't help it that i think that the more rolls the better! I did come across a good find in the old bookstore though. Molly Katzen's "Enchanted Broccoli Forest" cookbook. I have her moosewood cookbook which is very lovely and thought that this would be a nice accompaniment to that. I really just love the name also. I am a cookbook fiend, i can't seem to help myself when i see them, especially used, knowing somebody else has tried these same recipes that i will be using...ah, so wonderful!
although some days can be rather simple and uneventful, i find that these can be the best and hold the most potential. Who knew i would find such a fun cookbook and come across a lovely fat kitty???

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